It's my BirthDay..!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Salam semua n salam 1 Malaysia...
Hye are you?..Hopefully baik2 ajer k..
Well is MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
U already get older n older...hohohoooo
But it's actually a numbers..doesn't make sense ..(sedapkan ati je)

My wishest among the wishest are :-(kire pesanan la nie ek tuk diri sendiri..sekadar ingatan dan renungan)

1. I wish my entire life are going smoothly..samada di dunia kerjaya or peribadi n xlupe juga di duniawi n akhirat..Moga2 pekerjaan yang dilakukan mendapat keredhaan dan ganjaran di akhirat kelak..Amin.

2. I wish my parents both stay happily and happy ever after.Semoga dirahmati Allah hendaknyer.

3. I wish my incoming marriage will be forever with him..I love HIM very much..(eventhough he quite sengal sket..hihihi)..InsyaAllah..Doakan kami yer!!!

4. I wish i had a big house, a big car, a big family, a big career,a big watever la...on the next 10 years in future..hehehe...(sekadar impian)


5. I wish my fellow FRIENDS success in every single job on what they doing it..xksahla dari sek rndah smpai sek menengah,dari kolej swasta sampai ke universiti, dari tempat praktikal hingga tempat pekerjaan..I MISS U All n always put in my heartz..

Hopefully tercapai my wishest ..InsyaAllah